Thursday, June 12, 2014

Restriction against French Téléthon applies also to March of Dimes.

I just got this clarification from a FB friend or two:

Just so you all know, the March of Dimes is pro-abortion. Do not support them in any way.

The March of Dimes is an organization that markets themselves as a charity that works to prevent birth defects. They started asking for donations of dimes, which suited them because the dime has an image of Roosevelt, who became handicapped. Not that they haven't done some good somewhere, but one of the means of preventing birth defects that they advocate is the prevention of the birth of babies with defects, in other words, aborting them. Then they can point to statistics that show a drop in the percentage of births of babies with handicaps, and claim credit for it.

That is then the exact counterpart of French Téléthon, which I have already explicitly banned from using my compositions to raise money for their cause.

My ban therefore extends to March of Dimes as well.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
Thursday in Pentecost Octave
12 / VI / 2014

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